

Thursday, July 19, 2012

37 weeks

How Far Along? – 37 weeks and 3 days.

Total Weight Gain? – lets just say you may now call me “Big Mama”..

Stretch Marks? – none on my belly..

Sleep? – Naps are the best thing ever invented!

Best Moment This Week? –  So much has happened the last couple of weeks!  My mother and sister-n-law had a shower for me on Saturday.  That was a lot of fun!  I got some really great things.  Which helps me feel a little more prepared!  It was a lot of fun and it was really nice of them to do for me!

We pretty much have the nursery set up.  Just waiting on the crib (it’s in the mail), hang a shelf and a couple other things and finish washing clothes and putting them away.  I am so excited!  Just looking at her room gives me butterflies and a little anxiety..  I just want everything to be ready for her big arrival! 

Another big thing that happened since my last post.  Zeign was blessed!  He looked so handsome in his white suit!  It was such a special day.   My dad (Zeign's favorite person) did the blessing and may I say, wow it truly was a beautiful blessing.  I know we all felt the spirit very strong.  And Zeign did so well.  We were a little worried because he is 14 months old but we did great!  Here are a few pictures to capture the moment.  As I was going thru the pictures of Zeign and my dad I thought it was interesting that they were making a lot of the same facial expressions at the same time... Like grandfather like grandson! 

It's not every day you can get a picture of my dad laughing.  But John's dancing will get any one laughing!

4 generations

Me and John work for the same company.  And to reward all the employees for working so hard and doing such a great job they gave every employee an iPad 3!  So we both got one!  We were shocked and grateful to say the least.  I returned mine (because we don’t need two iPad’s) and got me a brand new digital slr Canon camera!  I really wanted one especially for the baby, but thought there was no way I would get one before Christmas.  And John has been wanting an iPad because he started a new job and it would really help him a lot.  What a blessing! 
So today with my new camera we went to the park and took some pictures of our little family!  And since it’s July we decided to make it a little patriotic.  We were just getting the hang of the camera so we have a lot of good ones and a lot of really funny ones too.  I’ll put the bloopers at the end of the post!

We went to visit James and Michelle.  They have little puppy samoyeds.  They are so cute and fluffy now!  They have 4 and I think 2 are still for sale!  They had just had a bath so some of the pictures you can tell they are a little wet still, but still so fluffy!!

Michelle with her babies.

It was like they were fighting over who got to lick James.  The one on the right was actually barking a little.  It was so cute!

Kind of looks like this one is on a bobsled.  

Miss Anything? – My lungs!  Sometimes I feel like I am going to suffocate!  Hopefully that changes soon..

Movement? – Well her kicks don’t tickle anymore.  Now sometimes they just hurt.  She is already head down and she loves to kick especially my ribs.  I think she thinks of them as a punching bag sometimes.  She gets the hiccups every day!  Sometimes twice a day.  Usually when I eat spicy foods.  Her hiccups are so strong they almost feel like little kicks.

Food Cravings? – ICE CREAM!  Any cold treat but mainly ice cream.  Especially cherry chocolate chip is my favorite right now!  I love it!!

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick? – I have been getting car sick when other people drive.  I don’t know if that’s just because of my lack of air tho..

Gender: - GIRL!

Labor Signs? – Just Braxton hicks.  I have found that doing my daily chores will bring them on.

Belly Button in or out? – in and its almost smooth but I’m thinking it might not ever pop out.

Wedding Ring, On or Off? – I now can’t wear any ring at all…

Happy or Moody most of the time? - Happy & anxious..  Very anxious..  Now excited and feeling a little rushed to get everything done in time.

Looking forward to – my next appointment! haha  My last appointment for 37 weeks the doctor said I am 50% effaced and 0 dilated.  So hopefully next week I'll have better news!

How big is baby? – according to the app on my phone it says she should be about 6 1/3 lbs and about 19 inches long! 

Baby's development this week – she could have a full head of hair by now!


the invisible horse

the pooper