

Friday, June 29, 2012

34 weeks

35 week pic

How Far Along? – 34 weeks and 2 days.

Total Weight Gain? – 44 lbs since my last appointment.

Stretch Marks? – none on my belly..

Sleep? – Back to the recliner and it’s better again.  I wish my body would make up it’s mind sometimes..

Best Moment This Week? –  The past few weeks have been pretty busy.  We finally finished the dresser for the baby’s room and for our room.  They look so good and it cost us about $60 total!  Way better then buying new furniture.  



It just needs the knobs which we bought today at Hobby Lobby.  This dresser will go in our room.

This is the drawers before we glazed them.

Before we glazed.

After we glazed it and we painted the old knobs black!  I love how it turned out!

With the glaze you can really see the wood grain.  It just gives it so much character.

We have a new car seat and stroller that we finally took out of the box.  I can’t wait to use them! 

I’m finally down to seeing the doctor every two weeks.  It makes me feel like time is going to fly now.  And it has the last two weeks! 

We finished our Lamaze classes.  I’m so glad we took them.  We both feel so much better, having an idea of the things that will happen in the hospital before, during, and after labor.  And knowing our options.  I highly recommend taking the class even if your not planning to have an all natural birth.  Which I’m not!  I’m to chicken..  Give me the drugs!

John has been interviewing and testing for a lot of departments.  I’m so proud of him and all the hard work he is doing!  We have faith that he will get a job soon!

Today we got to have another ultra sound.  This time just for fun.  And we finally got that classic profile picture.  She is so big now that she almost doesn’t fit in the picture.  I’m so glad I finally got to see her cute little face.  I think she is going to have chubby cheeks!

Miss Anything? – My small and uncracked feet.  They swell up so easily now.  That’s probably my biggest complaint right now.

Movement? – Well her kicks don’t tickle anymore.  Now sometimes they just hurt.  She is already head down and she loves to kick especially my ribs.  I think she thinks of them as a punching bag sometimes.  She gets the hiccups every day!  Sometimes twice a day.  Usually when I eat spicy foods.  Her hiccups are so strong they almost feel like little kicks.

Food Cravings? – ICE CREAM!  Any cold treat but mainly ice cream.  Especially cherry chocolate chip it's my favorite right now!  I love it!!

Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick? – not really

Gender: - GIRL!

Labor Signs? – no, but I have started to feel some braxton hicks contractions every so often.

Belly Button in or out? – in and its almost smooth but I’m thinking it might not ever pop out.

Wedding Ring, On or Off? – I now can’t wear any ring at all…

Happy or Moody most of the time? - Happy & anxious..  Very anxious..  Now excited and feeling a little rushed to get everything done in time.

Looking forward to – My baby shower is this Saturday!  I'm so excited to see my family and friends!  I have been holding off on getting baby clothes and a few items.  I can’t wait to see what we get for her. 

How big is baby? – Should be about 4 ¾ lbs and is almost 18 inches long. Like the average cantalope.

Baby's development this week – her lungs are still developing.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Bear Lake

For our 2012 Wilson Family Reunion this year we went to Bear Lake.  It was a lot of fun.  We stayed in a nice cabin together, went to the beach, went to a fun play, and ate some really good food.  I always look forward to our trip every year.  And this year it was a must needed vacation for me and John.  
Here are a ton of pictures.  Enjoy

Michelle and Alice, I love Alice's hat she is so cute!

Heidi, Ruben, Clara, Mady, and Norah had fun on the beach.  As soon as we got there they went to work on there sand castle like little ants.

Kaitlyn and Zeign, he couldn't get enough of the water.  It was so cold!

Heidi got way far out there.

Mom, dad, and John just relaxing.

 Andy was helping the kids make there sand castle.

 Grandpa hanging out with Zeign.

 Shawn in his wet suit.  He swam all the way to the buoy.  (spelling?)

Me and John

 Me and Alice.

 John and Zeign, every time John would start his sand castle Zeign had to destroy it.  He just couldn't resist.  This is the only picture I could get of the start of the sand castle before Zeign could get to it.  Funny kid.

 Heidi collected lots of sea shells.

Clara hanging out in her sand castle.

John's fish: 3lbs 20 inches!

 Dad's fish: 4lbs 24 inches!

Just the girls and dad went to the play, "The Hanging of El Bandito".  It was so funny!  Can't wait to see another one of there plays.

 We went to a museum and they had stuff about big foot!  Here dad is posing like big foot haha.

 John and big foot.

 We toured the tabernacle in Paris, Idaho.  

 Our souvenir from the trip; a magnet. 

 Here's a funny video of Zeign eating ice cream.  I don't know if it was because it was pretty late and everyone was tired or if he was just super entertaining.  John was sitting across the table from him and he was copying everything he was doing.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

32 weeks!

Don't mind the swim suit pic and the farmers tan.  It's so lovely... 

How Far Along? – 32 weeks! Only 8 weeks to go!

Total Weight Gain? – 38 lbs since my last appointment.

Stretch Marks? – none on my belly..

Sleep? – It was really good for about two weeks.  I was sleeping on my recliner and it was great.  But now I’m back to being uncomfortable and trying the couch… Last night went ok.. 

Best Moment This Week? –  So much has happened since the last post I made.  At about 31 weeks we had another ultrasound to check my placenta.  I had placenta previa and they wanted to see if it was further away from my cervix.  Which it is!  Wahoo!  Now we don’t have to plan for a c-section.  As long as everything goes well.  We got to see our baby and she is still a girl!  Haha I had had a couple of dreams that they said “oops.. We were wrong it’s a boy..”  Which would be fine I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl.  But I’ve been imagining a little girl since the first ultrasound and we have her name picked out.  Which makes it all so much more real.  She was still very stubborn and would not give us a decent profile view of her face.  I was a little bummed about that.  But she is healthy and growing right on track!

My mom bought baby girl’s blessing dress!  Its so pretty!  I can’t wait to put it on her!

We started a Lamaze class and we really like it!  It’s fun to hear the stories of other mom’s and to learn more about your baby and delivery from an actual person rather then always just reading about it.  Me and John both feel so much more prepared for the “big day” just after two classes!  I really like how they focus on the fathers and their role in everything.  I think that is helping John feel more prepared and excited!  Its coming so quickly we almost can’t believe it!

We also went to Bear Lake for our annual Wilson Reunion.  Which is just my immediate family.  It was a ton of fun and very relaxing.  I’ll share more later.

Miss Anything? - It’s amazing to me how the simplest things wear me out so quickly now.  I miss my energy!

Movement? - All the time!  And her kicks are getting so strong sometimes it tickles.  It’s so fun, for me and John to sit and watch and feel my belly move.   When we were at Bear Lake we went to a musical.  It was really fun every time they would sing or the audience would clap she kicked and squirmed so much!  It was like she was dancing along to the music!

Food Cravings? - Everything!! If you mention sometimes its then I crave it..
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick? – not really

Gender: - GIRL!

Labor Signs? - no

Belly Button in or out? – in, but I can see the bottom of it now so I’m thinking soon.

Wedding Ring, On or Off? – For mother’s day John got me a really cute mother’s ring to wear while I’m pregnant.  It was really hard to get my wedding ring off.  So sad..

Happy or Moody most of the time? - Happy & anxious..  Very anxious..

Looking forward to - getting the nursery done.  We've finally cleaned it out and now we just need to start loading it up with baby stuff!  We are going to refinish one of our dressers to make it a changing table and I can't wait to get started on that!  We are slowly putting stuff in there.

How big is baby? – At our ultrasound they estimated her to weigh at 3.7lbs and about 17 inches!  She is getting so big and I am definitely feeling the added weight..
Baby's development this week – Baby now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair.  The skin on baby’s body is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.