I haven't posted for a long time so I'm going to do a post mainly of pictures. Last week Laina had her 4 month appointment. I can't believe she's already 4 months old! Time as flown by and she is changing so much!
Here are the stats from her appointment.
She weighs 14.15lbs (67%), height 24in (31%), head circ. 15 3/4in (33%)
So she's short and chubby! She is doing really well. Super strong and a very happy healthy baby. She started eating baby food this week. She loved the rice cereal and pears, but sometimes she would just rather have a bottle.
On October 14th Laina was blessed by John. It was a beautiful blessing! I'm so grateful that he holds the priesthood and is able to bless our family with it. She was so good during the blessing and slept thru the rest of sacrament.
Here are a bunch of pictures we took up Hobble Creek Canyon later that day.
For Halloween Laina was a cheetah. We went to my parents house and to John's parents house. At my parents house all the kids had fun showing off their costumes and eating yummy goodies.
I made some pistachio pudding but called it troll boogers. The kids thought it was grosh and cool! They ate it right up!
When the leaves started changing and before it got cold we went up Hobble Creek Canyon and took some family pictures. Me and John had a lot of fun taking turns taking pictures.
This would be a super cute picture if my hair wasn't retarded.. Laina looks so cute!
I am so grateful to have such a wonderful and beautiful family! Sometimes I think to myself how did I ever live without them!