How Far Along? – 3rd trimester and 28 weeks!
Weight Gain? – 28 lbs since my last
Marks? – none.
Sleep? – umm… it’s beginning to be a challenge.
Mother's Day with a baby bump!
Moment This Week? – I got some fun baby
stuff! The stroller and car seat
we ordered came in the mail! Yay!
We also bought some butterflies and flowers for a mobile. And our friends Quinn and Alaura gave
us some super cute baby clothes!
I also
had a fun Paparazzi Party. I think
we had a good turn out. Here are
some pictures that I took.
Miss Anything? - sleeping thru the night. It’s amazing to me how the simplest things wear me out so quickly now. I miss my energy!
Movement? - All the time! And
her kicks are getting so strong sometimes it tickles.
Food Cravings? - Everything!! If you mention something its then I crave it..
Making Me Queasy or Sick? – not really
Gender: - GIRL!
Signs? - no
Button in or out? – in, but I can see the
bottom of it now so I’m thinking soon.
Ring, On or Off? – For mother’s day John got
me a really cute mother’s ring to wear while I’m pregnant. It was really hard to get my wedding
ring off. So sad..
Happy or
Moody most of the time? - Happy &
forward to - getting the nursery done.
We've finally cleaned it out and now we just need to start loading it up
with baby stuff! We are going to refinish one of our dressers to make it
a changing table and I can't wait to get started on that!
Baby is the size of a - Eggplant
about 14.8 inches from the top of the head to the heels and about 2 ¼ lbs.
I swear you can see her eyelashes in this pictures. It's a picture of a picture that John took with his phone. So not the best quality.. But you can tell she is sucking her thumb!
Baby's development this week – She’s starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin
will start to get smoother. She
can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With increasingly developed eyesight, baby may be able to
see the light that filters in through the womb.