My little sister Kaitlyn and her husband Brandon had their first baby. Zeign Ray Haggard was born March 28 at 4:44am. He was 5 lbs 13oz and 18in. And he makes grandbaby #6!
Here's Grandma with baby Zeign.
Zeign came into the word with a few obstacles. He was born about two weeks early. They induced Kaitlyn but a little further into labor she had a placental abruption. And they immediately did a C-section. In the process the doctor nicked his forehead when cutting Kaitlyn and found the cord was around his neck. They kept him in the NICU for a couple of days to watch him and make sure everything was ok before going home.
This is a picture of Zeign in the NICU. The bandaid on his forehead is the cut.
A plastic surgeon came in and glued the sore shut you can't even see the cut it's now just a little puffy. And his hair will cover scaring if there is any.
It looks like he's saying "Rock on!"
I just love him! He looks so much like Brandon but has Kaitlyn's coloring and big lips! Haha Isn't he just the cutest!